Women in Suits - Bloomsbury

  • Photo 2022 11 07 11 29 16



Women in suits is a society that promotes the inclusion of women in the legal and business sector while reflecting the diversity of our society. This society supports and advises all women and enacts positive change for equality. Undoubtedly, there is still more to be done.


Our key aims include creating a platform for discussions to be had on how to support women in the legal and business sector and developing a platform for professional networks to be established between women across various sectors. There will be seminars available to attend from outstanding professionals as well as fun activities to bring women together. Fundraisers will also be conducted for charities, to encourage members of the society to take a proactive stance, by contributing towards fulfilling causes, which will, in turn, improve the lives of many women and young women worldwide.


Ultimately, this society aims to foster lifetime friendships while overcoming the challenges that the legal profession and business world pose for the underrepresented and helping women channel and navigate through the true essence of unity.



President - Susana Kyei

Treasurer - Sruthy R. Menon

Secretary - Teian Roberts

Events Coordinator- Fabiha Hope

Public Relations Officer- Alice Kemp


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