Student Charter

Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 Student Charter

The University of Law and the Students' Union are committed to supporting our students’ ambitions and setting them up for success.

A close partnership between the University and the Students’ Union is essential for enhancing the student experience.

This Charter, reviewed annually, is developed in collaboration between the Students’ Union and the University and outlines our mutual responsibilities and aspirations. It ensures that the University environment for all is built on trust, collaboration and mutual respect.

The Charter demonstrates our commitment to providing a high-quality academic experience, a happy, safe and productive learning community, strong student support services and transparent advice.

The Student Charter is reviewed and approved annually by the University’s Academic Board. The Charter provides an overview of our students experience. It signposts additional information 
such as policies, procedures and regulations. It is not a contract between the University and students.

Read the charter here.

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